Time is an illusion: You only have just 24 hours!

Dhruv Solanki
5 min readOct 28, 2020

Yes, only 24 hours and now what…

UnSplash — Thomas Bormans

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
- William Penn

Things that we all know.

Well, thanks to Albert Einstein, scientifically proven that actually, time is an illusion. But why does that matter to us and how it affects us? He said that “Time is relative.” One can observe it as a slow walk in the park but one can experience it as a fast running train. Psychologically Time has a different impact on each person’s life.

Have you ever noticed that when you are very happy time just flies and you forget even simple things? And when you are so sad or frustrated it stops there. Why does that happen, have you ever wondered?

Because when we are joyful and living our life at fullest it just doesn’t matter how much time we have left but instead we just do things. So if you live for let’s say for 20 years and you have experienced your life fully and have done all things that make you smile and happy then you have lived a wonderful life. And even if you have lived for 100 years but if your life has been totally miserable, you want more life and an experience of joy. You have not lived well that’s why you need more time to explore your happiness.

Time is a created thing. To say “I don’t have time” is to say “I don’t want to”.
- Lao Tzu

But What is the catch of “You only have 24 hours!”?

If you carefully observe yourself and the day you spend, you easily see that you living in either the past or future but not in present. You just replay your memories or it is hunting you like horror movies and you also live in anxiety of the future but you are not living this moment. Human being has two amazing gifts first one is amazing memory and second is vivid sense imagination. We lack the skills to use our own intelligence. So if one person is using these two gifts with consciousness and at full capacity and living a joyful life then those people seem to us like have some magical powers. Actually, they are just like us, simple and ordinary people but they are using their gifts with more care and awareness. They are not worried about the future nor living in the past. They just live their day to the fullest possibility they can live.

It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
- Steve Jobs

How to trick your mind to live at fullest life possible?

Accept the truth that you can’t change your past and also can’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. So the first thing is just accept the life the way it is right now. Accept your present and the past will vanish and the future will come easy. Think of your life as 24 hours a day. Now you have to just plan your 24 hours in the best possible way you can. Make a list of things that you like to or love to do. Things that make you happy, blissful and joyful. Don’t wait for tomorrow to live your life, don’t wait for either weekends to live your life nor for vacations. Just live your day in the way you want it. Every day you will have the credit of 24 hours, now it is up to you that you will waste it or use it. The decision is always your so you can’t blame anyone for your life. You have chosen your life the way that is right now. Take responsibilities for your time and your life.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.
- Albert Einstein

Every person on this planet has the same amount of hours as you have but some people use it to make something very great out of it and some people will make only shit out of it. Make your plan for 24 hours and you can manage very easily this time frame as it is small enough to keep in mind and big enough to do something that you genuinely care about and want to do. Steve Jobs had the same 24 hours, Elon musk had the same amount of time and a Yogi who is living in the himalayan mountain seeking liberation from the cycles of birth and death has just the same amount of time. They are using it for what they believe in and what they want to achieve for it.

Never leave ’till tomorrow which you can do today.
- Benjamin Franklin

Use this 24 hours time frame to plan your life. Whether you will wake up tomorrow or not, you just don’t know. So just live your day like it is your last day on earth but please don’t waste it for just entertainment purposes. Live it for something truly valuable. Think before you plan your day for sometime and then decide what are the most sensible things that you can do in 24 hours that can greatly impact your life or other people’s life.

Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.
- George Orwell

P.S: This is the most tricky quote I ever heard :)

P.S: This is the most tricky quote I ever heard :)

Plan out your 24 hours and life will fall into its place. You don’t have to worry about 100 years or what is left there to live. The one advice that I can give to you is spend your little time reading. I am not saying it because it will make you more intelligent or something. But will just change your perception about the things about how you see the world. Spend some time reading books. It doesn’t have to be self help books, you can read sci-fi, comics or magazines whatever you like but it will develop your taste of life and you will see more clearly about anything. You will automatically become more silent and self controlled naturally.

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
- Charles Darwin

P.S: Uncle Charles is always right, please keep in mind :)

